By The Numbers
How We Got Here
Rates formal mentoring have remained remarkably stable over the past decade—between 2 and 2.59 million, or around 1% of the adult light of the dramatic declines in American volunteerism between the years 2006 and 2015 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016)
ADD: dropout rate % graduation -> back into # of kids not graduating
ADD: Avg # of volunteers per year (any demographics on volunteer – may be interesting for the content providers) to train – estimated training time
ADD: Avg time to prepare a lesson (is there any way to get this info?
In 2016, MENTOR and its affiliates led the largest data collection effort in almost 20 years to examine the prevalence and practices of youth mentoring programs across America.
In the end, the national survey captured information on:
1,271 mentoring agencies and 1,451 distinct mentoring programs
413,237 youth served by 193,823 mentors and supported by 10,804 staff members
The services, practices, settings, goals, challenges, and financial resources of these programs
The average program serves 285 youth, a dramatic increase compared to prior surveys